Mother’s Day Poem

Mother’s Day Poem..

Mother's Day Poem

I fell in love with you the instant I saw you,
My tiny bundle looking at the world with your curious eyes.
My gaze fell on you, I was over the pain of birthing.
I still recall lifting you with my hands,
And planting your first kiss ever on your forehead.

And then on, the journey of motherhood began,
Even in the midst of sleepless nights and smelly diapers,
Sucked on and sometimes sore breasts and burped shoulders,
Your cranky moments and worried times when you were ill,
Life obtained a depth that could not be explained.

I cherished every moment just watching you grow,
Your precious toothless smiles and two teethed smiles,
Gripping my finger in your tiny hand and taking your first steps,
Your first cute gibberish, calling potato “poto” and tomato “toto”.
Telling you endless tales to get you finish your meal.

There have many times when you just drove me wild,
But you would win my heart shortly thereafter,
And I would find myself sorry and apologetic,
Cuddling you in my arms, kissing you on your head.
Thinking away how I could be a better mother.

You kept me young, you made me a child again,
We played together in the sand and splashed the waves,
We put jigsaw puzzles together, we sang rhymes,
We went places, we giggled and laughed a lot together.
And many things you did just mirrored my childhood.

There will come a day when you will leave my nest,
And I will lift your wings to fly away where your life calls you.
I will miss you, it will feel so empty without you,
My heart won’t stop praying for your happiness,
And hope that I managed to teach you survive in this cold world.